Friday, September 3, 2010

well some things have changed...

the brick and mortar store didn't happen. things fell through as it was up for sale and someone was in contract (we were only going to lease it to start). anyway, my photography venture is picking up and i really enjoy it. i also have been refurbishing/repurposing still and am joining in my first flea market this holiday weekend here in my hometown. that should be interesting. i have TONS of stuff sitting around here but i still feel i don't have ENOUGH. lol i'm writing two blogs right now so i'm not sure where that is going to end up. my new blog is mostly focusing on my refurbishing of accent furniture and thrifty decor rehabs. i hope to share my homelife here and get back into scrapbooking. i haven't scrapped in several months and that makes me sad. :(

hope to share more things soon so for now i will leave you with this photo of my little guy and his creation out of his geo tracks's a Colts "U" (horseshoe for Indianapolis Colts NFL)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

photography and business venture

that title is jam packed with info.  i feel like i've been neglecting the ol' blog...ok i HAVE BEEN. lol  can i blame it on the weather? thanks. =]

i'm dabbling in photography on a more professional level now.  no, i don't have all the proper schooling but i do have the natural desire to photograph people in settings that are unconventional.  no standard portrait sittings here.  i've done a few shoots and am loving the feeling of capturing moments.  up on the left side is the link to my photography website. 

Natalie12 copy

now i did mention 'business venture' in my post title but it has little to do with photography.  lol  i also have a passion for refurbishing things and giving them new life...maybe even new purpose.  more directly with furniture and other home decor pieces.  half way down on the left of this blog you will find some home decor links to some of my fave blog spots to visit for inspiration.  hubby and i have been in talks with a local building owner about opening up a shop for us to sell our refurbished 'finds'.  most of our inventory is coming from auctions, flea markets, garage sales and even curb finds.  i have no shame in rescuing a damaged piece of wood furniture along side the street.  i feel i am doing my part in keeping the earth green.  why not keep it out of the landfill, make a little income for my family and just do something i totally enjoy???  this blog entry will give you an idea of what i'm talking about.  hope to share more photos soon of finished goods but for is a peek at what my garage looks like. lol

Garage decor1

Garage decor2

Garage decor3

Garage decor4

don't mind my Chopper, he thought i was taking him for a walk.  his leash is right behind me and every time we move past it he thinks it's coming down. lol

i need to get a move on and break out the sander, paint and have hubby repair some minor things.  just wish the rain would stay away for more than a half of a day.  blah.

so...what have you been up to? lol 


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

check this out...

if you have a second i would totally recommend visiting this inspiring blog!  she has a giveaway going on right now and it's wonderful!  hope to see you there. :)