Friday, September 3, 2010

well some things have changed...

the brick and mortar store didn't happen. things fell through as it was up for sale and someone was in contract (we were only going to lease it to start). anyway, my photography venture is picking up and i really enjoy it. i also have been refurbishing/repurposing still and am joining in my first flea market this holiday weekend here in my hometown. that should be interesting. i have TONS of stuff sitting around here but i still feel i don't have ENOUGH. lol i'm writing two blogs right now so i'm not sure where that is going to end up. my new blog is mostly focusing on my refurbishing of accent furniture and thrifty decor rehabs. i hope to share my homelife here and get back into scrapbooking. i haven't scrapped in several months and that makes me sad. :(

hope to share more things soon so for now i will leave you with this photo of my little guy and his creation out of his geo tracks's a Colts "U" (horseshoe for Indianapolis Colts NFL)

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